What is the FYS CCP?


Founded in 2015 by the Wooster Volunteer Network, the First-Year Seminar Community Connections Program (FYS CCP) was born out of a push to cultivate a larger culture of service and community engagement on campus. The program is designed to incorporate an experiential learning component, rooted in service, into a select number of FYS courses each year. The FYS CCP initiative connects courses with local organizations or advocacy groups, which address an issue related to the topic of the FYS. A reflective component toward the end of the semester represents a vital final part to the CCP, in that it benefits the interests of the students, faculty, and the broader Wooster community.



A 2015 FYS CCP participant with friends from the Nick Amster Workshop (Dr. Tierney, Utopias & Dystopias)